Ever wonder why I do the things that I do on this site?  Check out the FAQ's below and hopefully all of your questions will be answered.


Why isn't the cost of shipping included?

I am trying to get my art out to you at the lowest possible cost per item. I could place in big bold letters "FREE SHIPPING," but that would be a lie. The shipping cost would actually be paid by charging you more per product. For example, I currently charge $7.99 for one of my card prints. If I had (big announcer voice) "FREE SHIPPING," that same card would cost you, the art-loving public, $12.99. Yep, you would still be paying for shipping, just not tacked on at the end of the shopping cart.

Here's another reason for no "FREE SHIPPING." I like to bundle items together and offer you a lower price per item for the bundle. With "FREE SHIPPING," a bundle of three cards will cost you more than twice what I can charge you without "FREE SHIPPING," and you will pay; here's the fun part: three times the shipping as the cost of shipping is factored into the price of the individual card.

So now you see, "FREE SHIPPING" isn't really free at all.

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How do you price your original artwork?

I try to price my original artwork at a price that I believe is fair for both you and me.  It has taken me years and quite an financial investment to get to my skills to the  point that are now.  That being said, there are different factors that go into the price of a piece. 

  • The size of the piece
  • The medium used
  • The time taken to create the piece

A French Wash piece takes much longer to create  and the materials used cost more than a graphite or ink drawing. So, naturally, the cost for a French Wash painting will cost more.

I have learned to draw rather quickly.  For example, I can complete a pencil or ink drawing rather quickly.  It usually takes me a couple of hours or so to get one completed.  Now, I am currently charging about $130 for one of my ink drawings.  Which, if finished in two hours, would mean I'm making $65 per hour.  Wow! that's a lot of money!  But some pieces in that same medium may take longer.  Let's say the piece takes me five hours, then my hourly price is now $25 per hour.  Which is just a bit above the minimum wage.  If you take into consideration the time and education it took me to get to this point in my career, that cost isn't all that much.

Here's a little tip about art.  If the piece calls to you, answer the call.  Artists like to eat too.

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Why do you have so many different prints of the same thing?

I believe art should be available to everyone. That is why I offer my art in many different print sizes and surfaces. Not everyone has a couple of grand just sitting around to purchase one of my originals, but you might have a couple of dollars available for a lovely print to place on your desk and lighten your day at work. In other words, I would like to get my artwork out to as many people as possible while making some money for myself yet not taking a bunch of money from you.

After the price of printing, I really don’t make all that much on prints, but I do make enough to offer print bundles. These bundles allow you to purchase several prints at a discounted price and further your role as an art collector.

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